shimmer waves meaning in Chinese
- Jiangmen is a one of the top tourist cities in china with newly recognized top eight attractions : reflected figure from lake donghu in jiangmen ' s donghu park ; birds ' paradise of xinhui ' s tianma village ; peak guifeng among the forest on xinhui ' s hill guifeng ; chuandao island folklore in taishan ' s shangchuan and xiachuan islands seaside resort ; dawn in spring in liyuan garden of kaiping ' s tangko town ; blockhouse spectacle in kaiping ; hot springs wonderland in enping ; flitting shadows of wild goose and the shimmering waves of heshan ' s mount dayan
江门市是中国优秀旅游城市,最新评出的江门侨乡八景是:江门东湖公园的“东湖倩影” 、新会天马村的“小鸟天堂” 、新会圭峰山风景区的“圭峰叠翠” 、台山上下川岛海滨旅游区的“川岛风情” 、开平塘口镇的“立园春晓” 、开平的“碉楼奇观” 、恩平的“温泉仙境” 、鹤山大雁山风景区的“雁影波光”等。